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Why did Mary Wollstonecraft's Mary Shelley know to pick Ingolstadt?

 ...sometimes when you read or write "to be continued" it takes full seasons changing (and seven months) to come around to that continuing.  Are such gaps (from late August to mid-April) easily traced to two predominant columns in most of us? Something strange and terrible happened, or unexpected and grief-oriented, or so jarring to the nervous system as to take ages to recover without a sanitorium by the sea, so that something very important, pressingly important (as pressing pen to paper is to me) drops off to the point it seems it won't again commence.  The other column would have words and phrases related in the thesaurus to dragging-of-heels, schoolboys-toward-books, excuse-making, feeling one's will to live eeking out if life is to be comprised of such tasks, laziness, entitlement, tenure.  I frequent that latter column too with most other tasks one is supposed to do in a day, but it isn't, for me, the one that prevents tracing the murmurations of starling f...

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